Since the last time I've blogged SO many awesome things have happened. I visited some great friends and family in Colorado where I lived for a year in 05-06. It was a little strange to be back - but it was so great connecting with friends and family again. I even went to my first Roger Waters/Pink Floyd concert in Denver which was incredible! As I came home it was time for Thanksgiving...which I had been dreading, however, I had an amazing, relaxing day with my family. I realized that I have become more comfortable and relaxed with life over the last year.
In the midst of all that, I sold this great little cottage in Seal Harbor to amazing clients - very, very happy for them. Tis the season of course for holiday happenings and I have already been to a few great holiday gatherings - one that was entitled "cupcakes and champagne" umm, the best party yet! This weekend our house will host a holiday party which will be so great - I love showing off our fabulous home and even better I love having all my darling friends in one spot to celebrate!!! I'm thinking I'll make a champagne punch...ha.
I'm sure this month will have its ups and downs but I am thankful I have fabulous people in my life to share with!

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