Friday, June 5, 2009

Twitter Queens!

Social Media, social media everywhere we look - there is an article about it, a topic about it in a company meeting, I even muttered the words at a listing presentation recently! It is a fact of life, especially in the business world - if you are not on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter (to name a few), than you are old news, which translates to bad news in business.

I am so thrilled to be a young professional at this time in the techno/social media obsessed world - because it is pretty much second nature to me....who was Instant Messaging her AOL "buddies" at age 14 and keeps in very close contact with most college friends via Facebook.

Just when I think I'm on the cutting edge - my colleague and friend introduced me to the Twitter Queens group, where the motto is: Empowering women in the understanding and use of emerging social media techniques. - That's what she twittered.

It has been a blast to Tweet back and forth, not to mention the networking it creates. Next week I'll be in Boston for an ad-hoc gathering with like minded Tweeps (twitter people), discussing trends/topics of interest in regards to the real estate industry - RE BarCamp-Boston

So...follow me on Twitter: erica_bates or keep checking the blog for news!

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